Ballet Entrechat
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Entrechat [ ahn-truh-SHAH ]. Interweaving or braiding. A step of beating in which the dancer jumps into the air and rapidly crosses the legs before and behind each other. Entrechats are counted from two to ten according to the number of crossings required and counting each crossing as two movements, one by each leg; that is, in an entrechat quatre each leg makes two distinct movements.
Entrechats are divided into two general classes: the even-numbered entrechats, or those which land on two feet— deux, quatre, six, huit and dix— and the odd-numbered entrechats, or those which land on one foot— trois, cinq, sept and neuf. In all entrechats both legs beat equally. Even-numbered entrechats are done en face or en tournant, while odd-numbered entrechats are done devant, derriere, en tournant, de cote or de volee. In the Cecchetti method, entrechats are done with the knees bent and the feet drawn up so that one foot beats against the other from the base of the calf downward.
Entrechat cinq [ ahn-truh-SHAH senk ]. Five crossings. Entrechat cinq is similar to entrechat quatre (q.v), except that the landing is made on one foot, the other being placed sur le cou-de-pied either devant or derriere.
Entrechat cinq devant: Fifth position R foot front. Demi-plie and with a small jump open the legs slightly, beat the calves together with the R leg in the ack, open the legs and land on the L foot with the R foot sur le cou-de-pied devant.
Entrechat cinq derriere: Fifth position R foot back. Demi-plie and with a small jump open the legs slightly, beat the calves together with the R leg in the front, open the legs and land on the L foot with the R foot sur le cou-de-pied derriere.
Entrechat cinq de volee [ ahn-truh-SHAH senk duh vaw-LAY ]. Fifth position R foot back. Glissade derriere, thrust the R leg out to the second position en Fair, pushing from the ground with the L foot. The L leg meets the R leg, beating it in the back, then the legs open, R leg beats in back of L, legs open, and the landing is made in demi-plie in the fifth position R foot front. The Russian School (Vaganova) terms this “entrechat six de volee.” The French School terms this “entrechat cinq de volee.” The Cecchetti method term is “entrechat six de cote.”
Entrechat cinq ferine [ ahn-truh-SHAH senkfehr-MAY ]. This is a term of the French School. It is composed of an entrechat quatre commenced from the second position and finished in the fifth position. See Royale fermee.
Entrechat cinq ouvert [ ahn-truh-SHAH senk oo-VEHR ]. This is a term of the French School. It is composed of an entrechat quatre completed in the air, with the landing then made in the second position. See Royale ouverte.
Entrechat cinq ramasse [ ahn-truh-SHAH senk ra-ma-SAY ]. This step is also known as “sissonne fermee battue,” as it is really a sissonne fermee with the beat of an entrechat quatre. It is usually done in a series, en avant, en arriere or de cote. See Sissonne fermee battue.
Entrechat deux [ ahn-truh-SHAH duh]. Two crossings. An entrechat deux is a changement de pieds. See Changement. To execute changement battu, see Royale.
Entrechat de volee [ ahn-truh-SHAH duh vaw-LAY ]. Flying entrechat. Entrechat de volee is done in flight in any direction and is usually preceded by a demi-contretemps or a glissade. The landing is made in the fifth position.
Entrechat dix [ ahn-truh-SHAH deess]. Ten crossings.
Entrechat huit [ ahn-truh-SHAH weet]. Eight crossings. Same as entrechat six (q.v), except that another crossing is added. If the R foot starts in the fifth position front it will finish in the fifth position front.
Entrechat neuf [ ahn-truh-SHAH nuhf ]. Nine crossings. The same as an entrechat huit (q.v), except that the landing is made on one foot with the other foot sur le cou-de-pied either devant or derriere.
Entrechat quatre [ ahn-truh-SHAH KA-truh]. Four crossings. Fifth position R foot front. Demi-plie and with a small jump slightly open the legs and beat the calves together R leg in back. Slightly open the legs and finish in demi-plie in the fifth position R foot front.
Entrechat royale [ ahn-truh-SHAH rwah-YAL]. See Royale.
Entrechat sept [ ahn-truh-SHAH set]. Seven crossings. Entrechat sept is similar to entrechat six ( q.v ), except that the landing is made on one foot with the other foot sur le cou-de-pied either devant or derriere.
Entrechat sept devant: Fifth position R foot back. Demi-plie and with a jump open the legs; R leg beats in front of L leg; open legs; R leg beats in back of L leg; open legs and finish in demi-plie on the L foot with the R foot sur le cou-de-pied devant.
Entrechat sept derriere: Fifth position R foot front. Demi-plie and with a strong jump open the legs; R leg beats in back of L leg; open legs; R leg beats in front of L leg; open legs and finish in demi-plie on the L foot with the R foot sur le cou-de-pied derriere.
Entrechat six [ ahn-truh-SHAH seess]. Six crossings. Demi-plie in the fifth position R foot front. With a strong jump open the legs, beat the R leg behind the L, open the legs, beat the R leg in front of the L, open the legs and finish in demi-plie in the fifth position, R foot back.
Entrechat six de cote [ ahn-truh-SHAH seess duh koh-TAY ]. A term of the Cecchetti method. See Entrechat cinq de volee.
Entrechat six de volee [ ahn-truh-SHAH seess duh vaw-LAY ]. A term of the Russian School. See Entrechat cinq de volee.
Entrechat trois [ ahn-truh-SHAH trwah]. Three crossings. Entrechat trois is finished on one foot with the other sur le cou-de-pied either devant or derriere.
Entrechat trois derriere: Fifth position R foot front. Demi-plie and with a small jump open the legs into a narrow second position in the air. Beat the R leg in front of the L, slightly open the legs and land on the L foot in demi-plie with the R foot sur le cou-de-pied derriere.
Entrechat trdis devant: Fifth position R foot back. Demi-plie and with a small jump open the legs in a narrow second position in the air. Beat the R leg behind the L, slightly open the legs and land on the L foot in demi-plie with the R foot sur le cou-de-pied devant.